Core Values
Core Values
The purpose of this document is to outline the policy on human values and professional ethics at Ghoksadanga Birendra Mahavidyalaya. Our college is committed to fostering an environment that nurtures the holistic development of our students, faculty, and staff, grounded in core values and ethical principles.
This policy applies to all members of the College Name community, including students, faculty, administrative staff, and other employees.
- Upholding honesty and transparency in all actions.
- Encouraging academic honesty and discouraging malpractices.
- Promoting a culture of mutual respect, regardless of background, beliefs, or differences.
- Ensuring a respectful and supportive environment for all.
- Striving for the highest standards in academic and professional pursuits.
- Encouraging continuous improvement and innovation.
- Being accountable for one’s actions and their impact on the community.
- Promoting a sense of responsibility towards society and the environment.
- Fostering empathy and understanding towards others.
- Encouraging community service and social responsibility.
- Promoting teamwork and collective efforts.
- Encouraging partnerships and cooperation within and outside the college.